What's your current Battery Capacity of your HTC10?
It's supposed to be 3000mAh right? Tought so myself, but maybe my battery has been used too much already, or it never was that great.
How to find out?
If you have a Terminal app installed, simply type:
If you're on a Computer with ADB running, connect the phone and type:
You will get a result similar to this:
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What's your current Battery Capacity of your HTC10?
It's supposed to be 3000mAh right? Tought so myself, but maybe my battery has been used too much already, or it never was that great.
How to find out?
If you have a Terminal app installed, simply type:
dumpsys batteryproperties
adb shell
dumpsys batteryproperties
You will get a result similar to this:
htc_pmeuhl:/ $ dumpsys...
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